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They keep you active

by AdminQuickstart (0bc31220) 10 May 2024

If you have a dog, chances are you’re walking it at least 30 minutes a day, and likely more—an activity that goes a long way towards keeping you fit.

In fact, a British study of dog owners found that, on average, walking a pup added an extra 2,700 steps to their daily total, about 20 more minutes of physical activity per day than non-dog owners get. What’s more, most of that walking was done at a “moderate cadence”—enough to get your heart pumping but still carry on a conversation—the minimum intensity Health Canada recommends adults get for 2.5 hours a week.

Walking your pooch for that amount of time not only benefits your quality of life—it could prolong your life. Getting 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week reduces your risk of heart disease by up to 15 per cent, cuts your chances of developing breast, stomach, kidney and other cancers by up to 20 per cent, and helps prevent and manage diabetes.

And, as a bonus, more exercise during the day also seems to set the stage for better nights. According to a survey of 6,500 retired London civil servants, dog owners were more likely to report having an easier time falling asleep at night than non-dog owners. (Unfortunately, perhaps thanks to their nocturnal hijinks, cats seemed to have the opposite effect.)

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